Resident Chicks Prepare to Spread their Wings

28 April 2017 News



There are some new residents at Green Park in Cheshire, as the home welcomes two new baby chicks to the brood. The home received the eggs as a donation from a friend of the home at the beginning of April and since, residents and staff have been patiently waiting for the hens to make their arrival.  The excitement was almost too much when all ten eggs hatched, eight male and two female chicks were born. During the chick’s time in the incubator, Activity Coordinators at the home established a lot of interest from the residents, taking them across all floors of the home so the different stages could be observed. There were discussions around hen keeping, care, and other interesting facts shared, as many residents had owned hens during their childhood. The home, which already has three hens, decided to keep the two female chicks and are preparing for them to be integrated into the brood when the chicks are old enough. Their names are Joyce, after one of the residents and Karen, named after the Activity Coordinator. The male chicks have been rehomed. Karen Jarvis said “The last few weeks have been very exciting and we are very happy to have young Karen and Joyce join the home. The residents have been making a real fuss of them, taking them around the home, getting them used to being handled. The residents love feeding time, the chicks eat right out of your palm, it is very sweet.”  For regular updates on what is happening in our homes, follow us on Facebook here: