Pay Fairness

Guiding Principles

  • Employing the right people in the right roles in order to ensure that our residents receive the best possible care requires recognition of the contribution that they make in a fair and transparent way
  • Our approach is designed to attract, motivate and retain talented individuals that make a difference to the lives of our residents
  • We reward on the basis of job design; each role, in a particular market, has a rate based on internal and external comparisons within a broad job classification that aligns with colleagues with similar responsibilities and KSA’s, (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Job Structure

  • Colleagues must be treated fairly; pay will be reviewed in relation to the job they are doing, the experience they hold and the location in which they are working
  • Colleagues are rewarded fairly as the KSAs they are required to demonstrate at each level are clearly defined
  • Colleagues have a chance to progress their career as the KSAs they are required to demonstrate at the next level are clearly defined, our career pathways show colleagues what they need to achieve to get to the next level
  • Colleague performance is managed effectively as there is a clear understanding of where everyone sits in the business and what is expected at each job level

Rates of Pay

  • The pay for each job in a particular region or market, will be managed through pay ranges that reflect KSEs
  • Any movement through a pay range will be based on KSAs assessment conducted annually

Annual Pay Award

  • Pay is reviewed annually for all staff members.  Recruitment and retention data and other sector pay awards, together with local authority fee rates and uplifts, are key considerations when deciding upon the annual pay award

Supplementary Pay Allowances May Be Made In:

  • Exceptional situations in which the usual salary range for a role is insufficient to attract applicants
  • To implement regular overtime or shift payments where required
  • To meet a usually temporary increase in responsibilities beyond the remit of the role