Having a whale of a time: Lofthouse goes to the seaside
Earlier this month, residents at Lofthouse Grange and Lodge Care Home enjoyed a special visit to their favourite seaside town: Bridlington! We spoke to the team about their fun-filled day at the coast, and why organising activities outside the home is so important.

The day kicked off to an exciting start with a good old-fashioned coach trip which involved lots of chattering and definitely ignited some youthful memories. Activities Co-Ordinator, Donna, highlighted that: “Bridlington was the chosen destination for the trip as it is a sure favourite of many of our residents who will have spent a lot of their childhood and family holidays there.”
Once in Bridlington, the first stop was Hornsea and Skirlington markets where everybody enjoyed mooching around the local food and drink stalls! The fun continued with the obligatory seaside fish and chips break, before the team took a walk down the pier, chatting and laughing whilst enjoying the sea breeze.

After looking out at the sea-front for a while and watching the boats, everybody indulged in a tasty ice cream – what better way is there to round off such a wonderful trip? A truly fantastic day was had by all, with the wonderful Eileen (resident at the home) telling us “I really enjoyed the trip. I was a little apprehensive about going for the full day but we had such a great time. My cousin came with me and she also loved it.”

Indeed lots of the residents’ families came along for the fun. Mary went along with husband John on the trip and noted the true Orchard essence of person-centred care and genuine warmth between the Lofthouse care team and the residents. Mary said: “From getting picked up to coming back the day was so lovely. The team was amazing, they helped the residents all day and nothing was too much for them. They truly made our day!”
A huge thank you to the Lofthouse team for making this magnificent trip possible. It’s one of just many examples of our homes providing high quality care to their residents whilst simultaneously planning very exciting activities for them all to enjoy!

Lofthouse Grange & Lodge Care Home in West Yorkshire is a warm and modern home which offers a wide variety of care types. The wonderful home is even split into two different communities, with Lofthouse Grange providing 24 hour residential care and Lofthouse Lodge specialising in high-quality dementia care. The team always plans fantastic trips and activities for their residents - just read our interview with activities co-ordinator Donna here! For more information, why not visit the home’s page on our website or call them directly on 01924 822272?