Green Park - Virtual Trip to Singapore

24 February 2020 News

Green Park Care Home residents enjoying some traditional Singapore foodResidents from the home continued their virtual cruise by landing in the beauty that is Singapore.

Every month the home has been visiting a different destination and exploring all that it has to offer via their virtual cruise and this month saw them arriving in Singapore. They began their visit with a glass of fizz and then moved onto filling their bellies with some of Singapore’s most loved dishes, they enjoyed a selection of appetisers followed by noodles, Bill was very impressed and said, “I must have seconds of them noodles!”

They researched the native clothing and styles of the country and were wowed by how amazing it was, Ivy loved the hairstyles and dresses in particular and said, “they look so beautiful.” The group ended the session with a cup of tea and indulged in some fancy chocolates which they all loved.



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