Eckington Courts Easter Egg Hunt

26 April 2020 News

2 (3).jpgResidents at Eckington Court Care Home were very kindly donated Easter eggs by their local Morrisons store so set off on their very own Easter egg hunt.

Everyone at the home was very grateful to Morrisons for their kindness and couldn’t wait to tuck into their eggs. The home has developed a great relationship with Morisons and can’t wait for this to continue. Mandy, Morrison’s community coordinator stated, “During a time like this, it is vital for us to band together as a team and help one another.” We hope to help the home in any way we can.”

Staff set out to create a fun-filled path in the backyard of their home for residents to explore, the sun was shining, and residents loved being outside in nature. They were guided by staff using games such as hot and cold to find the eggs and had some laughs along the way, Linda said, “It’s been lovely being outside, seeing the chickens was my favourite but they didn’t help me find my chocolate egg!”


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