Dot’s Birthday Celebrations at Green Park

09 June 2020 News

Dot from Green Park celebrated her big day enjoying the sunshine with her friends.

Dot’s day started with a special pamper session, Activities Coordinator Gill styled Dot’s hair and painted her nails as she sat back and relaxed.

Staff and fellow residents wanted to make Dot’s day as special as possible for her and luckily the weather was on their side, the sun was shining brightly as the group headed outside to the garden with Dot in tow.

Whilst in the garden Dot was surprised with a lovely tea party that the staff had set up for her, she had a huge smile on her face when she saw it and thanked staff for their kindness. She sat chatting away with other residents before receiving a video call from her family. Dot told everyone “I have really enjoyed the day and have loved being able to see my family and speak to all of them.”


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