Dementia Action Week 2024

21 May 2024 News

For this year’s Dementia Action Week, our colleagues went all-out to raise awareness, and to celebrate the wonderful people who live with dementia in our homes. Let’s take a look at what they got up to…

Nesfield Lodge: Sowing Seeds of Memory

Nesfield Lodge took a hands-on approach by involving the entire home in planting forget-me-not seeds at their entrance. "We wanted to create a display to recognise our amazing residents who are living with dementia," shared Sarah Golden Hill, the Home Manager. Once these flowers bloom, they will remind visitors that their loved ones are cherished for who they are, beyond their dementia diagnosis.

 Langfield: Cherishing Memories Through Photos

At Langfield residents happily shared their favourite photos from their younger years. From Hilda’s honeymoon in Skegness to Margaret's adventures in Ireland, these snapshots offered a glimpse into their fascinating lives. “I’ve had such a good time sharing my memories with you all" said Doreen, who had an impressive collection of cards to share. "It’s been a pleasure to show you my photos from the past."

 Paddock: Becoming Dementia Friends

Paddock Stile Manor embraced Dementia Action Week by signing up to Dementia Friends. This pledge involves raising awareness, volunteering, and championing community support for people living with dementia. This heart-warming gesture from Julie, Melissa, Laura and the Paddock family is just one of the many ways our Houghton-le-Spring care home goes above and beyond for residents.

If you’d like to become a dementia friend you can do so here:


Eaton Court: A Nostalgic Culinary Journey

Eaton Court residents indulged in baking treats from 1950s recipes and enjoyed reminiscence sessions. Sylvia told us how she loved reading the 1950s recipes. "I remember my nana used to cook a big pan of stew on her Aga - this has brought back so many memories for me!"  These activities sparked joyful memories and brought the past deliciously back to life for many residents.

Archers Park: Singing, Dancing, and Laughter

Bringing in a professional entertainer, John, Archers Park filled the day with singing, dancing, and laughter. Resident Anne saying ‘I haven’t danced like this since the 80s, what a brilliant way to celebrate’.

Chatsworth Lodge: Games and Crafts

Chatsworth residents included as many of its people as possible in memory games, crafts, and puzzles designed to support cognitive functions. John, who lives at the home, enjoyed reminiscing about his tool shed and sharing its treasures with the team.

Middleton Park Lodge: Fundraising with Heart

Middleton Park Lodge hosted a charity coffee morning, raising a  whopping £118 for Dementia UK. With their very own Reconnect community, the team at Middleton Park Lodge are passionate about raising awareness for people living with dementia, and wanted to organise a community event that families and loved ones could be a part of.

Green Lodge: Creative Awareness

Green Lodge went above and beyond with decorating their home with handmade forget-me-not badges, a selfie frame, and a balloon arch. Residents, family members and colleagues all got involved in the vast events the home organised, including flower arranging, coffee mornings and even days out into the community.  

Castleford Lodge: Community Connections

Castleford Lodge visited their favourite local hot-spot, a dementia-friendly pop-up café, reinforcing the importance of community ties. We believe keeping those all-important links to the local community is vital in supporting a person living with dementia, so they can continue enjoying everyday activities, like shopping, going to the café, and even the pub.

It's great to see local communities, like Castleford, supporting people living with dementia.

Penwortham Grange: The Penwortham Gazette

Penwortham surprised residents with the very first editions of Penwortham Gazette for Dementia Action Week! Each issue had stories from the year the residents were born, including celebrity birthdays, top news and global events.

"Seeing the residents share their individual articles with one another created a really lovely atmosphere" said Jayne, Activity Co-Ordinator at Penwortham Grange and Lodge Care Home. "It gave them the opportunity to reminisce and even share some similarities. The articles brought people together in a really special way and it was amazing to be part of that moment."

The residents enjoyed swapping stories, reminiscing and laughing at the questionable fashion choices.

Millfield: Painting with Purpose

At Millfield, residents painted elephants to symbolise hope and strength. These colourful and fun figurines will be displayed in the home, serving as a powerful message of courage for everyone whose lives have been touched by dementia.

Eckington: Support and Raffles

Eckington hosted a Dementia Support Group afternoon which featured as much cake as you could eat and a raffle, raising a sweet £150. The event highlighted the community's commitment to supporting dementia awareness.

Green Park: Relaxing with Yoga

Green Park Nursing Home introduced yoga sessions, promoting relaxation and cognitive function. Sheila, an avid yoga fan, particularly enjoyed the session and eagerly anticipates the next one.

Thornton Hall: Handmade Ornaments and Sensory Games

Thornton Hall sold handmade ornaments and cakes to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society, as well as engaging residents in sensory games and reminiscence groups throughout the week

Archers Court: Sharing knowledge

Archers Court posted daily dementia facts on social media and crafted cards with handmade forget-me-nots, spreading awareness and love all in one!

 Ashlea Lodge: A Challenge for a Cause

Kerry McWilliams, Dementia Support Worker at Ashlea Lodge took on the 31 miles in May challenge for Dementia UK, showcasing her personal dedication and raising awareness. Residents from our Sunderland care home have joined Kerry to help raise awareness. Together, they'll be walking 31 miles around the care home and aiming to raise £500 for the charity.

We spoke to Kerry to find out why she's raising money for people living with dementia. "My nana had Vascular Dementia, and my grandad has Dementia with Lewy Bodies; this is why I was drawn to a career in dementia care. I've worked at Ashlea Lodge Care Home as a Dementia Support Worker for a while now, and find the role so rewarding. If I can help raise awareness and support more people living with dementia, I'll do it!"

Kerry and residents at Ashlea Lodge will be getting their steps in for the entire month, so if you're able to donate and would like to support this worthy cause, please donate here:

 Cherry Trees: Fresh Air and Fun

We all know the importance of getting fresh air. In addition to physical benefits, being outside can support mental well-being and cognitive function! Cherry Trees residents enjoyed the benefits of fresh air, playing games and savouring ice creams in the garden, enhancing their mental and physical well-being, all while soaking in that sunshine!

 Paisley Lodge: Project Busy

At Paisley Lodge, green-fingered residents Lesley, Dorothy, and Michael embarked on "Project Busy," revamping the garden with new flowers and seeds, enjoying the sunshine and their love for gardening. This project brought joy and a sense of accomplishment to the residents, with Dorothy saying ‘I love being outside and planting flowers… I can’t wait until they bloom.

Lofthouse: Musical Mornings

Lofthouse hosted a dementia-friendly coffee morning with a performance by Trevor, bringing music and joy to all attendees.

 Lansbury: Educating and Reminiscing

Lansbury Court printed dementia-related literature for visitors and hosted reminiscence sessions for residents and their families. The events were huge successes! With residents saying how much they enjoyed sharing stories of their past and comparing their experiences growing up in different decades. The home also came together and participated in various art projects, as you can see below- our people had a blast!

The collective efforts of our homes highlight the importance of inclusion and community, which our colleagues work hard to bring to life every single day here at Orchard Care Homes. From planting forget-me-nots to sharing stories and engaging in meaningful activities, we've honoured our residents and raised awareness about dementia in ways that bring us closer together. Thank you to everyone who participated and made this week truly special.