Christmas Day Out

13 December 2018 News

Clays Thumnbail.jpgAs the holiday season is now upon us, the wonderful people at Lansbury Court recently visited Clays Garden Centre, to get into the festive spirit!

As a part of the Oomph Wellness Programme, a group of residents from the Sunderland care home, recently took a visit to the local Garden Centre, to see its famous Christmas display. “Everybody was enthralled by all the different colours, lights and variety of different Christmas ornaments.” Commented, Christine Callaghan, Activities Coordinator at Lansbury Court. “Everyone’s favourite however, were the singing and dancing Santa gnomes, some of our residents couldn’t stop giggling!”

After exploring all of the different Christmas displays, there was only one way to end the trip… a cuppa and a cake in the Garden Centre, Café. Everybody tucked in and sipped their drink whilst chatting away about all of the different Christmas items on display, and reminiscing about past Christmases.  

“The star on top of that tree, looks just like the one that was on my tree when I was younger!” Claimed, Rita, One of the residents on the trip.

Seeing all of the different decorations, helped stimulate a lot of memories, creating a lot of discussion among everybody on the trip.  Everybody was feeling festive chatting the whole way home about Christmas’ they remembered.


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