Celebrating International Women’s Day at Orchard Care Homes
Friday 8th March marks the 113th celebration of International Women’s Day! Since its debut in 1911, the day has acknowledged many empowering female figures, including the likes of Greta Thunberg, Harriet Tubman and Taylor Swift. With the theme of #InspireInclusion, this year’s celebration is focused on shining a light on how we can collectively forge a more inclusive world for women.
Across our 23 care homes, colleagues and residents are recognising International Women’s Day by offering invaluable advice for girls and young women, and acknowledging their biggest inspirations in life:
At Lansbury Court Care Home in Sunderland, resident Krysia proudly admitted that she’s her own biggest inspiration. “I may be blind and live with a disability, but that doesn’t stop me from doing anything. I’ve taught myself to knit, crochet and visited my favourite place, Lourdes, on many occasions. I’m currently knitting a blanket to send to children in Romania.” Krysia, it’s safe to say you’re our biggest inspiration, too!

In honour of this year’s theme, #InspireInclusion, we didn’t want to leave the men out of International Women’s Day – so Ben at Three Bridges Nursing Home joined in! His wife is his biggest inspiration, and told us how much he appreciates her honestly and loyalty.

Chatsworth Lodge Care Home in Chesterfield asked their female residents what advice they’d give young women today, and Pauline said she believes women should be more forthright.

“My advice? Just say no! In these modern times, women can be more independent and confident in their opinions. Say exactly what you want, and don’t apologise for not wanting to do something.” We love Pauline’s honesty, and women embracing their confidence is something we wholeheartedly agree with.
The activities team at Eckington Court Nursing Home hosted a group pamper session with the ladies of Eckington, and asked them what their advice is for young people. “Our advice is to talk to each other, believe in yourself, keep it real and most importantly, don’t take any nonsense!”

Marina, resident at Eckington Court, told us how her mum is her biggest inspiration. “My mum, Nellie, was my absolute idol. She had 8 children, and worked hard to care for us all. I was the first in my siblings to get married and fly the nest, but still helped my mum on a daily basis. She’s a true inspiration to me.”
Amy, Administrator at Archers Court Nursing Care Home, gave her advice for young women striving for inclusion and equality.

“Always follow your dreams – don’t let someone tell you that you can’t do something.” Amy’s positivity and determination is something we can all take inspiration from, don’t you think?
At Orchard Care Homes, we’re proud to have female leaders within the workplace, and always strive for equity above all. Our team comprises of many female colleagues; including in finance, catering, IT and managerial roles. With 95% of our care homes managed and led by women, we both recognise and encourage an inclusive, supportive work culture, with equal opportunities for all genders.
How are you celebrating International Women’s Day 2024? Whether you’re spending time with women who inspire you, or you’re shining a light on female figures who have influenced your life, we hope you have a wonderful and uplifting day!