Bramall Lane Visit for Eckington Court Care Home

15 January 2020 News

eckington-court-care-home-sheffield-bramall-lane.jpgResidents from Sheffield care home, Eckington Court, enjoyed a day trip to Yorkshire Butterfly House followed by a visit to Bramall Lane.

The day began with a visit to the Butterfly house where residents saw a fantastic Otter show, everyone loved seeing the otters and learning more about them. They then proceeded to see all the other animals that were at the centre, they saw Meerkats, porcupines and snakes before they witnessed the star of the show, the Butterflies! They got to see the animals up close and even got the chance to hold them!

After all that excitement, they took a trip to Bramall Lane Stadium, once there they had the honour of experiencing a behind the scenes tour of the stadium, they accessed all the exciting areas such as the executive box and the changing rooms. Doug was so happy to be there as he recalled attending the last Christmas match that had been played at the stadium, he said, “I loved getting back to places I visited as a boy, things have changed but it was brilliant experiencing that bit of the past once again.”


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