West Yorkshire Residents' Life Story Session with Creative Ageing Charity Equal Arts

19 May 2018 News



A creative afternoon at Lofthouse Grange & Lodge in West Yorkshire, saw residents reflecting on their favourite childhood treats, including sampling a range of nostalgia-raising sweet treats, together with taking part in some artistic portraiture. The session was hosted as part of a partnership with creative ageing charity Equal Arts, who work closely with the home, to regularly engage residents in creative reminiscence activities. The group of residents, comprising Rita, Joan, Joyce, Phyllis, and Alec enjoyed painting pictures of, and talking about their post-war memories, including the sweets they enjoyed eating, with sugared fruit candies being a firm favourite. They were also joined by Phyllis’ daughter Sue, and Granddaughter Jessie, with Jessie being more than happy to distribute the sweets, and try a sample herself. Phyllis commented, “After the war, sweets were a luxury. Times were extremely difficult for many, and even getting a piece of fruit for Christmas was a treat.” Activity Coordinator Kirsty Sykes commented, “The recent session with Equal Arts saw us taking a trip down memory lane, making some great pieces of art, and trying a different sensory activity with the sweet-tasting. “Sessions like these are really rewarding for residents, offering social interaction, and a stimulating way to recall their fond memories. It is also great for residents such as Alec, who is usually quite reserved, but who got involved with having a chat with friends.” To keep up to date with news from the home, follow us on Facebook and Youtube.