Oomph trip to the Winter Gardens for Ashlea Mews Residents

26 September 2019 News

oomph.jpgAshlea Mews care home visited the Sunderland winter gardens on the Oomph bus.

Four residents went on this trip and they all came back with smiles on their faces, going to the winter gardens was very special to all of the residents as it bought back memories for them of past jobs that they used to do.

The winter gardens hold a lot of history and were a big part of the mining area, many historical events of Tyne and Wear took place at the museums so being there reminded the residents of their younger days. Rita said “ I have really enjoyed myself, looking at the mining exhibitions bought back so many family memories.”

This visit was very beneficial for all the residents and they all returned to the home in good spirits. Brenda said, “I loved today, I’ve seen so much it has made me so happy.”


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