Lansbury Court Care Home Reunites Friends Ena and Dora After Many Years Apart

16 November 2019 News

cherry-trees-friends.jpgEna and Dora have spent many years apart due to ill health but met up again when they both moved to Lansbury Court Care Home.

The two lovely ladies have been friends for many years however they had not seen each other for a long while following health conditions that they both faced. They always had a great friendship so felt it was a great shame that they were not able to stay in touch and see each regularly, however this all changed the day Ena moved to Lansbury Court.

Dora was so pleased to see her and both of them couldn’t believe that it had been so long since they had last met. Since being at the home their friendship has truly blossomed and they spend a lot of their time together. They enjoy going on outings together just as much as they enjoy sitting and chatting away, they are very grateful to have found each other again and are thankful to the home for bringing them together.


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