Green Park Care Home Residents Celebrate Chinese New Year

26 January 2020 News

green-park-care-home-warrington-chinese-new-year.jpgStaff and residents from Green Park Care Home decorated their tea room with lanterns making it look fantastic.

They were very happy when families of some of the residents joined them for the fun, they welcomed the visitors in as staff said, “the more the merrier.”

Gill who is an Activities Coordinator at the home, made a lovely chicken and sweetcorn soup which went down a treat with everyone, resident Jean told the staff, “that was really yummy, I want some more.” This was followed up with prawn crackers and chicken in a black bean sauce, which did not disappoint.

They completed their meal with a cup of tea and a fortune cookie which residents were very excited about, Ivy and Sheila loved reading out their fortunes.


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