Ashlea Lodge had some very special visitors at their summer fair

30 July 2019 News

mayor.jpgA fun-filled day was on the agenda for Sunderland Care Home Ashlea Lodge, as they celebrate the summer.

The home had a lot of fun activities planned and were kept busy, they had the honour of a visit from Lord Mayor of Sunderland and his Mayoress which all the residents were very excited for. They were presented with a bouquet of flowers by the eldest resident from the home once they arrived, they then proceeded to open the event. She was honoured to meet the mayor and mayoress and said and “it was one of the best days i have had since my wedding day.”

Along with this the home also had visits from a local karate team who did a demonstration for the residents and all their guests. A variety of stalls were set up and food was made by the hardworking kitchen staff at Ashlea Lodge.  Pies and cakes were on offer alongside burgers, hot dogs, chips and hot drinks.

These weren’t the only special visitors that were present in the home, the local police and fire brigade also paid an appearance and were welcomed by all. All the guests and residents enjoyed themselves hugely and there were smiles all around particularly when the manager and deputy manager went into the stocks!



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