Visit to Catherine Cookson Museum for Ashlea Mews Residents

25 January 2020 News

ashlea-mews-care-home-catehrine-cookson-museum_0.jpgAshlea Mews Care Home residents visited the Catherine Cookson Museum to learn about local Tyneside history.

The museum is focused on historical events that took place in and around South Tyneside, this is an area close to many of the resident’s hearts so they couldn’t wait to get there and explore. Once there they explored the artefacts that were on display and were very impressed by many of the things that they saw.

Residents particularly loved seeing the video and picture displays that were playing and saw many things that they remembered. The visit left residents reminiscing about being younger and historical events that they experienced.

Once they had finished looking around they took a visit to the café and enjoyed a cup of tea and piece of cake whilst discussing all the amazing things they saw. Brenda told the staff, “I’ve loved going out so much, and I enjoyed all of the trip.”'


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