Sunderland Home Sings for the Brain

28 November 2016 News


Ashlea Lodge, in Sunderland, has embraced Singing for the Brain, a service provided by the Alzheimer’s Society, bringing people together through music.   The service runs on the first Thursday of every month at different locations in the community, and aims to bring people together from the local community to engage and stimulate them using music. Singing is particularly beneficial to people living with dementia as it offers an opportunity for expression and aids in memory recall. The Activity Coordinators from the home took four members of Ashlea Lodge to Bede Tower, where they had the chance to socialise with other members of the community before sitting down and enjoying a sing-along to a variety of well-known songs, including Somewhere Over The Rainbow, which was a particular favourite amongst the residents. Donna, Activity Coordinator at Ashlea Lodge, said “The residents really enjoyed the session and were eager to get involved. It was quite a physical event too, as we performed the actions to the songs, sang different harmonies and rhythms. We can’t wait to attend the next Singing for the Brain in December”.