Residents from Green Park Care Home Celebrate Mickey Mouse's Birthday

22 November 2019 News

mickey-mouse-birthday-green-park-care-home.jpgAs it was Mickey Mouse's birthday, residents and staff from Green Park Care Home thought what better way to celebrate than by watching cartoons all day!

They organised a projector to be set up in the living room and streamed all the old cartoons on there, residents sat back and relaxed with a cup of tea and cake as they watched Mickey Mouse on the big screen.

They began the Mickey Mouse marathon with the first-ever Mickey Mouse film, Steam Boat Willie, this was a firm favourite amongst the group and everyone thoroughly enjoyed watching it. This was not only a fun activity but also acted as a form of reminiscence therapy as it reminded the residents of when the tv was first invented and how they used to enjoy black and white tv programmes.

It was a lovely day for everyone as they got the chance to relive some old memories whilst having fun and watching cartoons!


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