Penwortham Grange and Lodge Takes a Trip with Oomph

15 August 2019 News

edit_13.jpgThe group from Penwortham Grange & Lodge recently took a trip on the Oomph bus to the Owl and Bird of Prey Sanctuary at Turbary Woods.

This was the homes’ first outing on the Oomph minibus and they loved everything about it, especially their driver Bill! Six residents went on this trip and all commented that they had a marvellous time.

Betty loved getting to hold an owl on her arm, she said, “It was great, we talked to the birds and they seemed to really understand what you were saying to them.” The group saw animals of different shapes and sizes and everyone got to experience holding them, Audrey had a teeny owl sit on her lap and Joan had a beautiful snowy owl on her shoulder. Everyone’s favourite bit of the day was when an owl sat on Peter’s head!

Whilst there the residents enjoyed a lovely picnic made by Assistant Cook Sue. Once they arrived back at the home, minibus driver Bill set up a slideshow in the lounge area and all the residents in the home were invited to the lounge to listen to Bill gave a presentation on different species of birds.



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