Cherry Trees Care Home Visit Rotherham United Football Stadium

30 September 2019 News

coffee morning_3.jpgFor Macmillan Coffee Morning residents and staff from Cherry Trees care home joined the local community at Rotherham United Football Stadium to raise some money

The residents and staff from the home set off to the football club filled with excitement, they couldn’t wait to meet everyone and raise some money for such a good cause.

Whilst there the group enjoyed refreshments and some yummy cakes, they all tucked in and were not disappointed with all the treats that were on offer. They also took part in some activities, some of the residents sat down to play dominoes whilst others chose to play a fun and competitive game of indoor chair bowling instead.

It was a lovely morning for everyone who was there as they all chatted away, sharing stories and having a laugh and joke. Ethel was very excited to be at the club as she remembered the area where it was located and recalled going there whilst growing up.

The residents were asked if they were Rotherham United supports and much to everyone’s amusement Pat replied saying “no, I’m a blade fan” she later went on to say “it is still so nice to be here providing that we can all support a good charity together regardless of which team we are fan of.”



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